API Authorization as a Service

Posted on July 5, 2013 by Andreas Solberg

Authentication and authorization with APIs are slightly more complex than with traditional access to web sites. The client is typically more intelligent, it being a javascript web application or a mobile native app.

Authentication and authorization with APIs are slightly more complex than with traditional access to web sites. The client is typically more intelligent, it being a javascript web application or a mobile native app; and communicates with a backend using an API. Authentication and authorization with APIs are slightly more complex than with traditional access to web sites.

The client is typically more intelligent, it being a javascript web application or a mobile native app; and communicates with a backend using an API. APIs typically also are exposed to third party app developers that may obtain access by both authenticating the third party client and the end user using it. This three-tier trust model is often referred to as “delegated authorization”.

  • Typically more intelligent
  • Delegated authorization
  • Slightly more complex
  • Javascript web application
  • Traditional access


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